Social Media Leadership Through Metrics, Not Media

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Given the issues around market noise and marketer credibility, how do organizations show the full impact of marketing investments? Furthermore, how does an organization use metrics to implement a leading strategy?

Adobe was one of many organizations that recognized this issue, and needed to reposition its brand and raise awareness of its new offering, Adobe Marketing Cloud.

With a focus on marketing to marketers and business decision makers, Adobe planned “The Ultimate Campaign”, a campaign that was not only bold and creative, but highly effective in its approach.

Before launching their campaign, Adobe first lead a collaborative study, The State of Online Advertising, to better understand the challenges being posed to their industry. The results revealed how the profession is undervalued and that marketing investments are difficult to justify against the bottom line.

Additionally, Adobe unveiled the rebrand of its end-to-end digital marketing and analytics solution, The Marketing Cloud, which coincided with the launch of a powerful campaign, Metrics, Not Myths.

3 Goals that Lead Adobe’s Campaign to the Top:

1. Debunk Misconceptions

By leveraging an integrated approach with social media, advertising and PR, Adobe identified some of the top myths about digital marketing and used irony, humor and proof to turn them on their head.

2. Change the Conversation

Marketers are oftentimes being questioned about the value of ROI and social marketing effectiveness. Being that Adobe needed to reach marketers to change this conversation, the team took this opportunity to line the entire Metrics, Not Myths campaign with facts and figures to reassure skeptics that marketing is in fact measurable and impactful. More importantly, with so much more exposure and opportunity in moving online, to mobile, to social – digital marketing had to work!

3. Instant Showcase

Adobe used their own hub to share real-time updates on the impact and learnings from the “Metrics Not Myths” campaign, which also offered details on how the company approached measurement, mined insights and evolved the campaign. This allowed Adobe to showcase real-time results, while raising awareness and demands for its new offering.


Notable Social Results:adobemeasuring

• Over 2,200 social media posts within the first 3 days with more than 1,300 posts surrounding the #MetricsNotMyths hashtag alone. Much of the Twitter volume was spurred by a Twitter chat post-live debate with the event speakers.

• 1.1 million plus video views of our Metrics Not Myths video series within the first month of the campaign, driven by tapping into the power of YouTube influencers

• Community growth on Facebook and Twitter with over 11,000 new Fans and Followers within the first 3 days of the campaign via earned and paid programs

Adobe was recognized as a 2013 category champion in the Marketing category at the Social Media Leadership Awards.


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